Traffic Violation Lawyers

serving clients in Henderson, Las Vegas and other Clark County, NV cities

While a traffic ticket may not sound like a big deal, being cited for a serious traffic violation can carry more significant consequences under criminal law statutes.

Being convicted of a traffic offense can result in long-term consequences for your auto insurance, driving record, and potential liability in a future lawsuit, especially if bodily injury or property damage was involved.

Smith Legal Group has decades of experience defending clients facing traffic violations, minimizing fines, and potential jail time. We’re here to assist you in avoiding the most severe consequences of a traffic citation.

Before your traffic court appearance, call (702) 410-5001 for a free consultation with one of our traffic lawyers. We will evaluate your case and provide advice on how to effectively defend and increase your chances of winning in court.

Why you want a lawyer to fight your traffic ticket

Your chances of achieving a favorable outcome by representing yourself in traffic court are not as high as hiring a lawyer who possesses in-depth knowledge of traffic laws. This is particularly true when contesting a serious traffic offense that carries a possible jail sentence.

For many people, it’s worthwhile to invest in hiring a traffic attorney with courtroom experience and knowledge of local judges and law enforcement officers.

Ultimately, the decision is yours. However, consider whether you can afford to take the risk of representing yourself if you believe a traffic lawyer wouldn’t be able to achieve better results for any of these outcomes:

  • Prevent the permanent loss or temporary suspension of your driver’s license
  • Plea down the traffic charge to a lower-level offense
  • Reduce or dismiss traffic fines
  • Reduce points on drivers license
  • Ensure points on driver’s license are eventually removed
  • Prevent citation from staying on your record
  • Bring in expert testimony from a qualified expert
  • Representation before regulatory boards if your traffic violation jeopardizes your professional licensing certification (e.g. health care providers, commercial truck drivers, pilots and public safety professionals)

Understanding traffic laws and your rights is crucial in avoiding or contesting a loss of driving privileges. Overall, hiring a traffic lawyer can save you time and hassle, offering the best chance to minimize the impact on your driving record, insurance premiums, and employment.

Types of traffic offenses in Nevada

Traffic offenses in Nevada vary in severity, ranging from infractions, punishable by fines without jail time, to misdemeanors, carrying up to 12 months in county jail, and finally, felonies, which entail a minimum of 1 year in state prison.

At Smith Legal Group, our attorneys have represented adults and minors at the DMV and in courts facing all types of traffic offenses in Clark County, Nevada, including:

  • Distracted Driving
  • Driving Without a License
  • Driving on a Suspended License
  • Driving Without Insurance
  • Moving Violations
  • Expired Registration
  • Seat Belt Violations
  • DUI
  • Speeding
  • Racing
  • Reckless Driving
  • Running a Red Light
  • Hit and Run

Each traffic offense comes with its own unique circumstances and backstory. Our role is to assess these factors and employ proven legal tactics to achieve the best outcome.

Additionally, we can address family law issues that might arise from your traffic stop. For example, if a parent is pulled over for a traffic violation while transporting their child, the circumstances of the stop and any subsequent legal actions could potentially impact child custody arrangements or visitation rights.

Further Reading

traffic violations concepts of police officer writing a ticket to woman in car

Smith Legal Group gets results for clients charged with moving violations and other traffic-related offenses.

A traffic ticket conviction doesn’t have to come with a hefty fine or a loss of your driver’s license. With our help, you can continue driving your vehicle with peace of mind.

Complete our submission form below or call us at (702) 410-5001 to discuss your traffic ticket in a free consultation.

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